Francisco Garre-Frutos

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  • 2021–Present | Ph.D. Experimental Psychology, University of Granada.

    • Ph.D. founded by an FPU grant awarded by the Spanish Ministry of Universities, supervised by Juan Lupiáñez and Miguel A. Vadillo. My research focuses on the study of the learning conditions of Value-Modulated Attentional Capture (VMAC). Specifically, this thesis aims to test the extent to which we can consider VMAC as an implicit psychological process.
  • 2021–2022 | M.S. Cogntive and Behavioral Neuroscience, University of Granada.

  • 2016–2020 | B.S. Psychology, University of Murcia


Journal Artcles

Garre-Frutos, F., Vadillo, M. A., González, F., & Lupiáñez, J. (2024). On the reliability of value-modulated attentional capture: An online replication and multiverse analysis. Behavior Research Methods, 1-18.

Submitted papers

González, F., Garre-Frutos, F., Hinojosa-Aguayo, I., Hall., G. (2024). Extinction of outcome-specific PIT, instrumental outcome devaluation, and reward-related attentional capture are predicted by affect-driven impulsivity. Under review at Learning & Behavior.

Manini, G., Garre-Frutos, F., Botta, F., Martínez-Arévalo, E., Lupiañez, J. (2024). Distraction vs. Interference: Handling fully irrelevant vs. potentially relevant distractors. Under review at Visual Cognition.

Garre-Frutos, F., Lupiañez, J., & Vadillo, M. A. (2024). Value-modulated attentional capture depends on explicit awareness. PsyArXiv.

Garre-Frutos, F., Lupiañez, J. (2024). Inhibition of Return and Learned Value. PsyArXiv.

Working papers

López-Martínez, P., Garre-Frutos, F., Vadillo, M. A. Luque, D. (2024). Reliability and validity of experimental measures of habits. In preparation.

Garre-Frutos, F., Solana, P., López-Martínez, P., Lupiañez, J., Luque, D., Vadillo, M. A. (2024). Is there value in value-driven distraction? A meta-analysis of studies on individual differences. Data being collected.

Garre-Frutos, F.*, López-Martínez, P*., Luque, D., Vadillo, M. A., González, F. (2024). Is there persistence in value-modulated attentional capture under reversed contingencyes? Data being collected.